Poeti 9. a

Učenci 9. a so v času učenja na daljavo postali pravi pesniki. Preizkusili so se v pisanju zabavnega limerika, pesniške oblike akrostih in celo rapu.

Petra Šmit

“Vsak otrok je umetnik, težava leži v tem kako ostati umetnik, ko odrasteš.” Pablo Picasso


When you fall asleep
in your mind dreams appear.
Sometimes they take you to the moon;
you don’t want them to disappear,
wondering if they will remain,
or will they fade away.
Other times they will take you to the hell,
wanting to run away
but you can’t;
hoping to wake up from your dreams
hoping they will never repeat.

Neža P., 9. a


An old lady and her cat
were lying on a yoga mat.
Because they weren’t productive,
they were abducted.
Both lady and herc at were grumpy and fat.

Stela K., 9. a


The best
Even for penguins
Right now.

Nik P., 9. a


Spring in March
Lawns gel cut for their first trim,
green grass glistens with morning dew,
birds chirp songs of sunshine delight,
daffodils and tulips dance in the breeze,
dogs go for long walks,
everyone and everyhing loves the joy of spring.

Nika P., 9. a


I’m bored in a house
and I’m in a house bored.
I’m trying new things
but they always get old.
I do my school work and I watch TV
and at the end of the day I try to fall asleep.

Sara M., 9. a
